Dylan Conrique, Teenager with a Voice and Heart of Gold

Jzon Azari
5 min readFeb 2, 2022


From 23 followers on her way from her hometown of Loomis, California to Los Angeles, 17-year-old Dylan Conrique didn’t have any overnight success… she is far from that. Radiating with warmth and impeccable vocals have seen her amass over one million followers on Instagram and nearly three million on TikTok, pushing her into the faces of many to live out her dreams of music stardom. Her debut EP, Baby Blue, was released during the lockdown and the reaction was “mind-blowing,” which only led to her online presence tipping over the edge. Ahead of her upcoming single “Birthday Cake,” we had a chance to ask the upcoming artist what we can expect from her in 2022, a charity she’s donating proceeds to plus how social media has helped her live out her dreams.

Photographed by Neema Sadeghi

Jzon Azari: Well, we must say that listening to your song “Birthday Cake” knocked us off of our feet. With such powerful vocals, what would you say is the driving passion behind this song and what made you title it “Birthday Cake?”

Dylan Conrique: I originally wrote this song for my best friend to have whenever she missed her mom, who she lost to cervical cancer when she was just 12 years old. When my best friend realized it could help a lot of other people experiencing loss too, she told me to release it! I named it Birthday Cake because my best friend lost her mom just before her and her mom’s birthday, her mom would have turned 48. The passion behind the song was that I wanted to tell my best friend to keep living to the fullest like her mom is still here, because she is. She is watching over her little girl :)

Source: YouTube / DylanConriqueMusic

Azari: You are donating proceeds of “Birthday Cake” to the American Cancer Society. Your reason behind that is truly tear jerking. What can you tell us about that decision and why was this the song you chose to do so in a way to give back and spotlight such a scenario?

Conrique: Cancer is a huge issue and source of loss in this world, and I want it to go away so badly. We are constantly losing loved ones and friends because of it. Donating is my way of doing my part to help end cancer. I just want everyone to be safe and healthy with their families because that’s all that matters. Because of the story behind the song, it was important to me to raise awareness about cancer prevention and donate towards research and help.

Azari: Living life to the fullest is something you’ve spoken on. In what ways do you challenge yourself and those around you to live by that motto?

Conrique: I have learned over time that tomorrow is not promised, and you need to live the life you want to live! This song is a huge reminder of that. Just do it. Do what makes you happy. I do this by spending time with my family, friends, taking risks, doing what I love, and practicing gratitude.

Azari: Last Summer you released a song called “Advice from the Internet.” What would you say has been the best and worst advice you’ve been given via the internet? What advice would you lend to aspiring songwriters looking to find their footing in the growing music industry? Is there anything in particular that they should know before trekking on this journey?

Conrique: The internet has given me some pretty bad advice when it comes to searching my symptoms when I’m feeling sick, we’ve all been there ha-ha. So I’ve definitely learned to not do that and just go to the doctor for advice.

For new writers, my biggest advice would be to just be yourself and write what’s true to you. People will love you for being yourself. And don’t give up if you write a ‘bad’ song, that’s how you learn and grow!

Photographed by Neema Sadeghi

Azari: Expanding more on the year you had in 2021, you released a visual titled “Not So Secretly.” What are five secrets that may be of some surprise that others may not be able to tell from listening to your music?

Conrique: These aren’t really secrets, but some things that a lot of people may not know about me are:

1. I grew up listening to country music and still due to this day. It’s helped influence my songwriting, even when writing pop songs!

2. I grew up on a farm with horses and rode ATVs.

3. I freaked out when I was in the 4th grade because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, even though I was in 4th grade and shouldn’t have been worrying about that ha-ha. Sports weren’t my thing, so I started acting and singing and fell in love with it!

4. I actually get really nervous before singing for a large crowd.

5. I work behind the scenes with my creative director on a lot of my projects! It’s so much fun being in those creative meetings about music videos, artwork, etc.

Azari: Finally, thinking back on your song “After All,” what impression do you want to leave on your audience when it comes to “Birthday Cake” and everything you have planned for the blossoming year ahead?

Conrique: When it comes to Birthday Cake, and all my music, I want people to know that they are not alone, no matter what they are going through. And if you have lost a loved one, just know that they will always be with you, keep living to the fullest in their memory.

Listen to “Birthday Cake” by Dylan Conrique streaming on all digital platforms.



Jzon Azari

Audiomack Tastemaker and publicist showing individuals how to “Invest, Innovate and Educate” their way to the top through technology.